Packet - Phacelia tanacetifolia, fiddleneck, organic seeds

Phacelia tanacetifolia, fiddleneck, organic seeds

Phacelia tanacetifolia

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Price: 2.25 €

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Phacelia tanacetifolia is a species of phacelia known by the common names lacy phacelia, blue tansy or purple tansy.

This is a 1-3 ft., annual phacelia with divided, feathery, clasping, tansy-like leaves covered with short, stiff hairs. The lavender-blue, bell-shaped flowers occur in fiddlehead clusters near the tops of the stems. Long stamens and styles extend well beyond the flowers.


his plant grows quickly, forming feathery, fern-like foliage and producing clusters of delicate, bell-shaped flowers arranged in curled racemes. Its blooms are not only visually striking but also rich in nectar, making it a favorite among beekeepers for honey production.

In agriculture, lacy phacelia is commonly used as a green manure to improve soil fertility and structure. Its deep root system helps prevent soil erosion, suppresses weeds, and promotes the recycling of nutrients. Additionally, it serves as a habitat for predatory insects that help control crop pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

Lacy phacelia thrives in a variety of soil types and climates, making it a versatile choice for both home gardens and large-scale farming operations. It is drought-tolerant and easy to grow, requiring minimal maintenance once established.

Packet 1000 seeds

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