BROAD LEAVED SAGE, organic seed
Salvia Officinalis
Out of stock Perennial -Permanent Plant. Highly aromatic plant / herb of 1-2ft that is winter hardy. The broad attractive leaves have a camphor-like aroma and produce with blue flowers. Use grey-green leaves and young stems fresh or dried to season poultry, pork, lamb, veal, stew, sauces, dressings, sausage, tomatoes, eggplant, squash, soups, and cheese. Also used as an ornamental plant for borders, large tubs or for use in the vegetable garden. A very showy garden ornamental when blanketed with tiny purple-blue flowers. 75 days to harvest.
Days To Maturity: 75
Days To Germination: 10-21
Spacing, Row: 18 inches
Spacing, Plant: 12-15 inches
Light: Sunny Location
Sow indoors in April or outdoors after all danger of frost. Cover seeds with 1/8 to 1/4-inch fine soil. Space rows 18 inches apart or use in-group plantings.
When 1 to 2 inches tall, thin to 12 to 15 inches. Transplant thinned plants.
For winter use: cut on dry day when flowers are fully open. Hang in well-ventilated room. When dry, remove leaves from stems. Seal leaves in wide-mouthed jars or bottles.
Packet 100 seeds