BORAGE, organic seeds
Borago officinalis
Especially popular with chefs, this Italian favourite produces an abundance of bright dark flat green leaves of excellent strong flavour held well above the ground on 12 inch plants. Can be grown on the windowsill or equally in the garden for a continuous all year round crop. Annual.Can be sown undercover or outdoors from late April onwards. Sow seeds in drills or sparingly in trays 6mm (¼in) deep.Thin out / transplant to 30cm (12in) apart when large enough to handle.Borage will grow in most soils but prefers well drained soil and full sun.
Borage is a very important medicinal plant with many healing properties. This plant is popularly known as the flower of the tongue of the cow, bluebird, or viper. This plant has been familiar to Iranians from the past until now. To benefit from the healing properties of this plant, its flowers and leaves are dried and brewed, and drunk as a borage flower drink.
Give it to your chicken! iBorage contains high amounts of vitamins A and C, beta-carotene for gorgeous yellow egg yolks and a range of minerals and trace elements.
Nerve Booster
Borage tea is recommended to strengthen the nerves and have peace of mind and reduce the role of stress and anxiety in today’s busy and anxious life. Research shows that drinking a glass of this tea daily prevents anxiety. Also, drinking it has a calming effect before going to sleep. The feeling of peace of mind also helps to relieve and overcome depression. It is said that consuming this plant is not ineffective in treating obsessions.
Borage extract contains flavonoids, saponins, unsaturated terpenoids, sterols, and magnesium. These compounds give it remarkable antioxidant properties that prevent cancer and in combination with other anti-cancer drugs are useful in combating the proliferation of cancer cells.
Improve Colds
Infusion of borage leaves and flowers is not only useful for relieving colds but also for treating chronic coughs, respiratory arrests, and mild asthma. It is very effective in lowering fever in diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, and urticaria.
Improves Heart and Lungs
Daily consumption of Iranian borage tea can be useful in improving pulmonary disorders and heart function. Because it improves blood circulation.
Borage is diuretic and facilitates the passage of urine through the ducts. Bladder obstruction is relieved by drinking borage infusion. One is considered one of the best herbs for detoxifying the body, especially the kidneys. This tea helps to treat inflammation and inflammation of the kidneys and is also useful for relieving urinary incontinence.
Drinking borage is recommended for people with constipation because borage as a laxative helps strengthen bowel movements.
Improve Skin Health
The anti-inflammatory properties of borage flower tea have made it a leader in traditional medicine for treating acne and pimples.
Regular consumption of borage extract and tea helps people with high cholesterol to control their cholesterol and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body.
Improve Premenstrual Syndrome
Symptoms such as fatigue, bloating, and premenstrual irritability can be effectively reduced by drinking a glass of the plant’s leaves and flowers.
Blood Sugar Control
Diabetic nerve damage can be prevented by regular use of borage tea. Drink a glass of it every morning to control your blood sugar.
How to Prepare Borage Tea
Pour one to three tablespoons of borage jam with two small Omani lemons or mustard and a few small candies and three cups of boiling water into the teapot and put it in boiling steam for 20 to 30 minutes to brew and then sip. You can add candy or honey after brewing the ingredients.
Packet 100 seeds