Packet - MUSTARD- RED GIANT, organic seeds

SALE MUSTARD- RED GIANT, organic seeds

Brassica rapa var. chinensis

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Price: 1.59 €

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A beautiful brilliant reddish maroon mustard from Japan, 'Red Giant' has well-savoyed thick leaves and a strong mustard flavor. The leaves are slightly textured for a better bite and good holding power. The flavor is zesty and full, with a good bite that you can't find in store-bought greens. Has good cold tolerance and can be harvested well into winter. Attractive enough for flower borders as well as the allotment.

Days To Maturity: 45
Days To Germination:  7-14
Planting Depth:  1/4 inch
Spacing, Row:  18 inches
Spacing, Plant:  6 inches
Light:  Full Sun

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Sow from early spring through to autumn. Cover seed with 1/4 inch fine soil.

Sow at 2-4 week intervals for continued harvest.  

Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Space rows about 18 inches apart or closer if limited in space.

Thin plants gradually to 6 inches apart in rows. Enjoy thinned greens in a salad.

Harvest outer leaves when young for best flavour, leaving inner leaves to grow out.

Packet 200 seeds

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