Packet - TOMATO - RED PEAR, regular seeds - not treated and non-gmo, heirloom

TOMATO - RED PEAR, regular seeds - not treated and non-gmo, heirloom

Solanum lycopersicum

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Price: 2.05 €

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Medium-early indeterminate tomato variety. Vegetation period is 80 days. Fruits are pear shaped, slightly ridged, weigh about 200-250 g, fleshy, tasty. Suitable for fresh consumption, for juice, sauces.

Optimal temperature for seed germination 20-25 ºC. Seedlings are pricked out into cups, when they have the first true leave. Cultivated in greenhouses.

The Red Pear Tomato is an old time favorite heirloom that always pleases everybody! This variety is a bright red, pear-shaped tomato with a history dating back to Colonial times. The Red Pear's plants are very prolific and are producers of 1-2" long tomatoes that are great on salads, sauces or roasted in the oven.

Packet 10 seeds

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