Packet - TOMATO - SIIVE, regular seeds - not treated and non-gmo

TOMATO - SIIVE, regular seeds - not treated and non-gmo

Solanum lycopersicum

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Price: 2.25 €

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'Siive' tomato is an Estonian-bred early determinate variety suitable for cultivation in greenhouses, plastic tunnels, or warm, sheltered outdoor areas protected from direct rain. Orange tomatoes.

The compact plants do not require pruning of side shoots. Fruits are medium-sized, weighing 70–110 grams, round, and orange-colored. The flesh is dense and sweet, rich in beta-carotene. This variety is disease-resistant, particularly against gray mold, and provides a remarkably high early yield even under unfavorable weather conditions. 'Siive' is well-suited for fresh consumption, salads, sandwiches, and whole-fruit canning.

Seeds are sown from early March to April, at a depth of up to 1.5 cm, with a germination temperature of 21–25°C. Seedlings emerge within 7–10 days. Transplanting occurs at the first true leaf stage, planting seedlings deeper to promote root development. Transplant into greenhouses or plastic tunnels after the danger of frost has passed, when soil temperature is at least 15°C and daily air temperature is at least 10°C. Recommended plant spacing is at least 40 cm to ensure adequate light and prevent disease

Packet 10 seeds

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