CUCUMBER - MARKETMORE 76, organic seeds
Cucumis sativus
This popular and reliable outdoor ridge slicing type cucumber produces straight, dark green fruits with white spines, growing to 20cm. Resistant to scab, mosaic virus, downy and powdery mildew, alternaria leaf spot and anthracnose. An excellent slicing cucumber! Can also be grown on a trellis to save space 70 daysSow under cover (protected) from Mid spring, 3-4 seeds 1in deep in a 3in pot in good compost, and thin later to the best one or two plants per clump.
- Transplant no later than 3 weeks after seeding as cucumbers have a tap root that can be easily damaged. Ensure the weather is warm if planting outside, ensuring a sheltered and sunny position. Cucumbers germinate and grow best when summer really gets going or under glass.
- To avoid bitterness, keep plants evenly moist at all times.
- Can be trained on a trellis to save garden space or left to roam.
Keep them picked and they’ll keep producing.
Packet 10 seeds