Packet - KOHLRABI - BALLOT, regular seeds - not treated and non-gmo

KOHLRABI - BALLOT, regular seeds - not treated and non-gmo

Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes­

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Price: 2.25 €

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Kohl Rabi Ballot F1 looks like it should come from outer space. It is a very unusual looking purple veg with long tendrils and is actually a swollen stem rather than a root. It is very popular in Germany and 'kohl' is German for 'cabbage'. It is also known as...
  • Kohlrabi does best in cool weather
  • with abundant moisture to prevent the edible portion from becoming tough and woody.
  • Plant your seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before setting outside.
  • Spring planting should occur as soon as soil can be worked and after last frost,
  • and autumn planting done in June, July, or August. Plants grow 9 – 12″ tall.
  • Thin to 10 inch between plants when large enough to handle.
  • Requires fertile soil in a well-drained location in the garden.
  • Apply much and grass clippings, or straw around base of plant.
  • Water well during dry and hot spells.
  • Harvest when bulbs are 3″ in diameter.

Packet 25 seeds

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